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My Day Zero Project

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As well all know a new year has begun. Most people set resolutions and end up forgetting about them or failing at them. I stopped doing resolutions YEARS ago because I wouldn’t stick to them.

I am a goal oriented person. I like having a list, checking it off, and getting to the end, preferably with a prize. If I don’t have a list I will totally forget about it…

When I came across the Day Zero project I knew I had to make a list. This is exactly what I needed to kick start my goals for the year. The project lasts 1001 days and you set 101 goals that you want to do. Picking my goals was harder then I thought, but after 3 days I was done. My reward for completing it? The money I save for each goal I complete will me be used on ME and only ME!

My husband always laughs at me and tells me I am the queen at returning stuff. I will buy myself something and 9 times out of 10 return it. I always feel guilty for spending money on myself. I would rather spend it on the kids, house, or husband.

1001 days is pretty far away, but I want to have most, if not all my goals completed by the end of 2012. Wish me luck!

Here is my list:

1. Lose 25 pounds
2. lose 50 pounds
3. get into better physical shape
4. drink 8 glasses of water per day
5. create a memory jar
6. use more coupons
7. grow my website by 100%
8. Make a list of 101 things I love
9. Take a photography class
10. Take a cake decorating class
11. take a photoshop class
12. Take a Yoga class
13. improve my wardrobe
14. clear up my acne for good
15. learn how to do a smokey eye
16. get a sewing machine
17. add a funky color to my hair
18. explore colorado
19. make a vlog
20. make new friends
21. enroll the toddler in a playgroup
22. Visit a new state
23. Visit a new city
24. get family portraits taken
25. make my own bread
26. Take a picture for each letter of the alphabet
27. Save $10 for every task completed
28. Buy a house
29. Grow an herb garden
30. Develop a better skin care routine
31. visit the hot air balloon festival in NM
32. finish a 52 project
33. visit the childrens museum in denver
34. visit the denver zoo
35. visit the denver aquarium
36. Learn to knit
37. Make a list of 100 things about me
38. Leave an inspirational note inside a book for someone to find
39. Build a snowman
40. Have a baby
41. Spend a rainy day watching films in my PJ’s
42. Make a custom recipe book
43. Get a facial
44. Buy something from Etsy
45. make crayola art poster
46. make holiday decorations
47. read a new book a month
48. learn to knit
49. make a knit rabbit
50. Do 5 random acts of kindness
51. Photograph a landscape from the same location, capturing all four seasons & frame them together
52. Buy new laptop
53. Go to comic con
54. go on a shopping trip and save 75%
55. Go to a SF Giants game in Denver
56. Take the husband to a suns game
57. Do some volunteer work
58. dedicate 30 minutes per day to teaching my daughter something new
59. Have my picture taken in a photo booth
60. Plant a garden
61. Motivate someone to make a list of 101 things to do in 1001 days
62. Print all my photos and create albums for them
63. Create a media kit for my website
64. Complete the 100 snapshots challenge
65. Make spaghetti sauce from scratch
66. Make a list of 100 quotes that inspire me
67. Don’t eat sweets for a month
68. pay off all debt
69. Buy a Wreck This Journal and finish it
70. Buy a homeless person a meal
71. Make a quilt
72. adopt a family for christmas
73. create a logo for myself
74. Go 1 week without buying anything but bills/groceries
75. finish saints row 3
76. Send a postcard to PostSecret
77. get a new tattoo
78. watch all the sopranos episodes
79. pay off my car
80. make a rainbow cake
81. Buy a pair of killer heels
82. get a pet
83. have a date with myself twice a month
84. Have a picnic in the park once a month
85. take a trip with no kids
86. Buy myself flowers, just because
87. Answer the “50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind”
88. buy a dress and wear it
89. get a kitchenaid mixer
90. Eat at 10 new restaurants
91. send a military person a care package
92. No soda for one month
93. keep a weekly maternity journal with pictures
94. sign up the toddler for gymnastics
95. Get boudoir photos taken
96. own a pair of shoes in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, grey, brown and black
97. redo a piece of furniture
98. do one motivational blog post a week
99. Take a cooking class
100. make frosting from scratch
101. Give up something for Lent
If I have inspired you to make a Zero Day Project list, please let me know! I would love to check it out.
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