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COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Kids While Home

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Try this COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Toddler or Kids While Home or homeschooling schedule – Free Printable for children at home to help keep them busy and from going stir-crazy while home during the quarantine with no school.


how to keep kids learning while home during covid-19 with free printable schedule

Trying to stay sane with the kid’s home unexpectedly because of the Coronavirus? Staying on a schedule can help make the day go by easier, smoother, and hopefully less stressful. In fact, keeping your kids on a schedule could help to ease their anxiety during this uncertain and scary time. Here’s my COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Kids While Home.

When I talk to my kids about their day at school it always revolved around their schedule and it’s something they’ve grown to love. When their schedule at school becomes interrupted they always get frustrated. My kids thrive on their school schedules and I want to try and make homeschooling easy for all of us. That’s why I put together a schedule for our school days until they go back to school. We’re currently out of school for a month, but rumors are swirling that the kids won’t go back to school at all this year and I don’t want them to fall behind on their learning.

This schedule can easily be adjusted to fit your family’s needs and is pretty flexible, but I wanted to put something together to help me stay on track. Since we’re planning on staying home and in our yard during the time they’re out of school everything in this schedule revolves around that. Besides, slowly places around the Denver Metro area are closing and they’re putting restrictions on how many people can be in one place – like museums and play places.

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25 Free Educational Websites for Children

Crafts, Games, and Books to Keep Kids Entertained at Home

44 Crafts for Kids Using Materials Found at Home

29 Places to get Free Educational Printables and Worksheets for Kids

COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Kids While Home

  • Before 9 am – The kids have to be up before 9 am: Mine are usually up around 8. This is their time to eat breakfast, brush their teeth, make their beds, and get ready for the day. Since we’re homeschooling now I am laxer on their morning routine and give them more time to wake up, get ready, and start their day.
  • 9-10 am – Free time: They can watch videos on their iPads, play with toys, watch some TV, or do whatever they want. Again, we’re taking a chill approach to our day. While we’ll be doing educational stuff, I don’t want them stressed out and frustrated.
  • 10-11 am – Outside Time: It’s usually warm outside by now, so weather permitting they’ll get some time outside. This is a good time to walk your dog, take a walk around the block, or play in the backyard. Getting out and getting some fresh air is really important when you are stuck at home all day.
  • 11-12 am – Creative Time: We have a bunch of STEM Project, Kid’s Cooking, and Arts n’ Crafts books. We’ll be using those or the kids can choose how they want to be creative. Make homemade play-doh, slime, paint, or bake some muffins.
  • 12-12:30 pm – Lunch Time: Lunch is pretty low key in our home. Sandwiches, chicken nuggets, mac n cheese, taquitos, homemade Lunchables, or something else that is easy.
  • 12:30-1 pm – Chores: This is time to clean up around the house. My kids have set daily chores that they need to do. Vaccum, bring their dirty laundry down, clean up their toys, and take out the trash.
  • 1-2 pm – Quiet Time: Read a book, do a puzzle, color, take a nap or another quiet activity.
  • 2-4 pm – Academic Time: Educational games, science projects, online educational websites, printable worksheets or workbooks, reading, math games, etc. This is the time that they’ll do whatever work they need to do to stay on track at school.
  • 4-5 pm – Outside or Playtime: Get some more fresh air or play with toys, use their tablets, or whatever else they want to do.
  • 5-6 pm – Dinner: Dinner time!
  • 6-9 pm – Free Time until Bed: Watch a family movie, play games, play with toys, take baths, and get ready for bed.
covid 19 daily schedule printable toddler and kid

Get your COVID-19 Daily Schedule Free Printable Here

This COVID-19 Daily Schedule Free Printable schedule is pretty self-explanatory, but if you need ideas on ways to keep kids busy, learning, and things for them to do check out my Crafts, Educational Games, and Books post with ideas.

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