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Hot Tot Natural & Organic Hair Products for Children

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I was so excited when I found out about Hot Tot because My daughter’s hair is getting longer and curlier. Her detangler just wasn’t cutting it anymore so I’ve been on the look out for new hair products. I wanted something that is gentler and not as harsh on her baby hair. Hot Tot is all natural and organic hair products for children. They have a range of products to suit your child’s hair needs.
The Conditioning Detangler worked great on her hair. The back of her hair gets very tangled. I sprayed this all over her hair and brushed it though and all the knots were gone instantly. This worked better then the detangling products I had purchased from walmart.
I used the Sweet Pea Serum after the detangler and it gave her curls such definition, didn’t weight them down, or cause her hair to be greasy or sticky, which some serums can do.
I also tried the Styling Gel and loved it as well. It defined her curls and didn’t leave her hair sticky, weighed down, or crunchy. Her curls lasted through nap time and the rest of the day.

I loved using these products on my daughters hair and recommend them to anyone with kids. They smell great, are all natural, and worked wonders on my little ones hair.

To purchase you can go to the Hot Tot website and order. They start at $12.50 and come in good sized bottles, so they will last you awhile. You can also find Hot Tot on Facebook and Twitter.

I was not paid for this review. I received samples of Hot Tot products for free with the intent that I would review them. This post is 100% my opinion.
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