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Mommy Monday: Biting

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I have been faced with biting kids on a couple occasions lately. Thankfully my daughter hasn’t been the one biting, but she has been the victim.
The first time we were in the waiting room of her Dr’s office. She was playing with some toy and a little boy just walked up to her, grabbed her finger, stuck it in his mouth, and bit down. My daughter was hysterical and the boy just stood there. Something was said to the boys mother and she just laughed it off.

The second time we were out and my daughter was playing. A little boy came up to her, knocked her down, and bit her on the face. My daughter was once again hysterical and actually refused to go and play anymore after the boy attacked her. Not only did she have two bite marks on her face, but when he pushed her down she managed to scrape her face and the bite marks actually turned into bruises. I once again said something to the mother and all she said was “he was just trying to kiss her” and laughed it off. I’m not sure what “kisses” are in their house, but in ours they don’t consist of biting another kid/person on the face.

Both times the mothers offered no apologies, didn’t really seem to be bothered that their kid was hurting another child, and didn’t even tell their kid it wasn’t ok to bite. Maybe I am a little different in the fact that if that was MY child biting another kid I would feel awful. I would offer an apology, tell my kid it wasn’t ok, and even have her sit in a time out.

I understand that kids go through phases and biting is one of them, but thankfully both my child haven’t been into biting so I havent had to deal with this.

What are your thoughts on this subject? Am I over reacting? Has this happened to your child? Has your child been the one to bite and if so how did/do you handle it?

I would love to hear your feedback below!


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