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Homemade Ice Cream sandwiches

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I’ve been eating these since I was little. I remember my aunt making them and they are so delicious, quick, and fun for kids to make.

Chip Ahoy chocolate chip cookies, Dreyer’s Slow Churned French Vanilla Ice Cream, & Sprinkles.


2 Cookies (Any Kind, Any Flavor)

1 big spoonful of ice cream (Any Kind, Any flavor)

Sprinkles (Optional, also any kind)

Notice something here? This recipe is so versatile. You can use any kind of cookies and ice cream you want! I stuck with just chocolate chip cookies and vanilla ice cream. Plain, Simple, and Yummy!


Take a big spoonful of ice cream and place between two cookies. Add sprinkles on the outside and enjoy! (More or less ice cream depending on the size of your cookies)

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