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Mommy Monday: Halloween Safety!

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Can you believe Halloween is next week? The year sure is flying by… Are you ready for the big day? Do you have your candy and costumes ready?

I am sure as good parents, all of you know this stuff already, but it’s always good to refresh one’s memory and maybe you will learn something new. We all want our little one’s to stay safe.

  • Check your neighborhood for registered sex offenders, here is a good site.
  • Know where your kids will be, with who, and when they will be home. Make sure they check in with you if plans change.
  • It’s ideal to not let your children trick-or-treat alone. Let’s face it, Communities aren’t as safe as they used to be.
  • Make sure your child can see out of their costume properly and safely
  • Costumes should be fire proof.
  • Let your kids know not to eat any candy until they are home, where you can check it all in good lighting.
  • Be sure that your child knows how to properly cross the street and that they have a flash light or glow stick with them. (anything so that they can see and someone driving can see them)
  • Make sure your children know not to talk to strangers, get in their cars, or go in their houses.
  • Make sure your children know to stay in well lit areas.
you can check out more saftey tips at this Halloween Safety Guide website.
and of course Have Fun!!
Do You have any cool plans for halloween? Any parties? Where does your family go trick or treating?
Happy Almost Halloween!

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