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Sear’s #styleSurprise Sweepstakes

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I’m always buying the kids new clothes and often times I forget about myself and I’m sure lots of you can agree to this. It’s funny how when you have kids your priorities change. Before I had kids I would spend all of my extra money on clothes, shoes, and accessories. Now I am spending it on my kids and my husband has to remind me to buy something for myself too.

My wardrobe is lacking and needs a SERIOUS update, A.S.A.P. Sear’s has a fabulous sweepstakes going on right now where you could win $5k worth of shop your way rewards points. That’s a whole lot of shopping and if I won, I would spend it all on ME! I would buy new clothes for the holidays and everyday wear, shoes, and accessories. So go on, Enter the Sears Holiday #styleSurprise Sweepstakes. I’ll wait while you do it because you know you want to win a shopping spree for yourself!

Some of my fav picks:

Visit for more everyday fashion inspiration.

This is a sponsored post. I am a Sears blogger, though all opinions are my own.

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