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Cheap and Easy Baby Gender Reveal!

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When I had my first child 10 years ago it didn’t seem like gender reveals were a big deal, but fast forward until now and they are a big deal with people throwing baby shower like parties to reveal the gender of their little bundle of joy on the way. When we found out I was pregnant we decided to wait the 12 weeks to tell everyone I was expecting and when we had our first ultrasound at around 12 weeks I had our toddler hold the ultrasound picture and sent it to everyone in our family and posted it on Facebook with a caption that she was excited to be a big sister. It was super cute and it cost nothing since it was sent out via text and online. My original plan was to have pictures printed and to send them out to family, but I was too impatient to wait for everyone to get their pictures in the mail.

Now that we’re about to find out the sex of our little one I figured I would play into the gender reveal hype and do something fun, but I also wanted it to be easy and quick to do. Since all of our families are in CA and it has to be something I can send out online. I browsed pinterest and the internet for a while. There are so many fun ideas out there, but I finally settled on the Hershey bar reveal. Not only did it take me 2 minutes to do, but it was super cheap!

Hershey Bar Gender Reveal

All you need is a pink and blue marker and 2 Hershey bars. I would recommend a sharpie since they don’t rub off the wrapper once dried. Total I spent under $4 and the bonus is I’ll have candy to eat after! Of course you can pay an online company to print a fancy wrapper, but why pay $2+ for a candy bar when you can do it yourself for a fraction of the price? I thought doing a bunch of candy bars and mailing them to family with a fun little note, but being that it’s summer and hot as can be outside I’m not sure how well the candy bars will ship and I am too impatient to wait 3+ days for everyone in CA to get their surprise.

To do this all you need to do is color the SHE in Hershey Pink and the HE in Hershey Blue. Have people guess which one they think it is and then give out the bars with the babies gender on it. Not only is it a cute way to reveal the gender, but everyone gets chocolate in the process and that’s always a fabulous thing!

Hershey's Bar Gender Reveal

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