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The Reasons I’m a Good Mom

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Last year I did a post called “10 reasons I’m a bad mom” and it was meant to be sarcastic and also point out reasons as to why OTHER people may judge me as a bad mom. I had several readers comment that the things that made me a “bad mom” also made them a bad mom as well. All of them are common things and I’m sure a lot of you do them as well or don’t. Being a parent is a hard job and other parents are our biggest critics. I see it DAILY in a local moms group I’m in and it’s saddening. We should be supporting each other instead of tearing each other down and trying to push our views onto other people. We will all do what’s best for our kids and a lot of the times it’s going to be something other moms don’t agree with and that’s OK. As long as you raise your kids to be respectful, polite, and good people then who is anyone to judge?

Last night I was going through comments and approving them. Let me just point out that the only reason I have comments set to be approved is because I have a problem with spam comments. I do have something that catches them, but there are still ones that try to get through and it’s easier to scan through all the pending comments, take out the spam, and then approve everything else, so that the spam ones don’t cause problems with my website. As I was going through said comments I stumbled upon a comment that was a bit harsh. Telling me I was the worst mom of all time, I should turn my kids into cps, and I should kill myself all because I let my son live with his dad and I said I spanked my kids. Yes, I let me son live with his dad. PLENTY of kids from separated households only live with one parent and I don’t see what the big deal is. Apparently letting my kids eat junk food means I should turn myself into cps and the occasional swat on the butt means I should kill myself. If this person was trying to hurt my feelings it didn’t work. I’ve learned to develop a thick skin over the years and could careless what some guy on the internet thinks of me. Now he’s harassing me with more comments or having someone else do it because I didn’t post his comment. Well guess what, it’s my blog and your comment was uncalled for so no it’s not getting published and it has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t agree with me and has everything to do with the swearing and telling me to kill myself. Funny thing is, we live in a day and age where you can google an IP address or email address and pull up a persons history and of course that email is linked to a PUBLIC facebook page of an older man who clearly has no kids. Keep judging buddy and keep harassing me. You’ll just keep ending up in the “trash”.

Now of course this got me thinking as to what makes me a good mom. We all know the reasons we’re “bad parents” but do you ever sit down and think of what makes you a good parent? I’m not trying to toot my own horn, but in a world where we are judged for EVERYTHING, especially how we’re raising our kids it’s nice to point out the good.

1. I would do anything for my kids. I think this is a given though and most people would do it, but if that meant taking a bullet for them, giving them an organ so they can live, or whatever else it may be. I would do it because they’re my world.

2. My 3 year old has better manners then most adults. No lie. She’s 3 and knows ALL of her manners. Please, Thank you, Excuse me, You’re Welcome, I’m Sorry, Bless You and she always uses them and at all the appropriate times. Plus she gets mad at me if I forget to thank her or say you’re welcome! The one thing we’re working on is having her pay attention to where she walks because she tends to bump into people, but other then that we’ve been out and she has better manners then most adults I talk to and it amazes me.

3. My husband calls me the healthy parent. Yes I let me kids eat junk food, but what I didn’t mention is that I also feed them lots of healthy food. Since my 3 year old is with me all the time she has plenty of healthy snacks. String Cheese, fresh fruits, yogurt, whole wheat versions of stuff, ect. She has juice, but I try to make sure it’s as natural as possible and never has corn syrup. I try to cut out snacks that do have corn syrup and while she does have junk sometimes, she has healthier WAY more. 9 times out of 10 she’ll ask for an apple or yogurt over chips or cookies.

4. My Kids are spoiled – I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but they are. I’ve always heard people say kids remember thing you’ve done not things they’ve gotten them and I have to disagree. I think it’s both. I remember both memorable times and things from my childhood. Like going to the water park and Disney Land when growing up, but I also remember when my mom bought me a boombox I really wanted or the year I got a bike for Christmas. Even my husband talks about special gifts he’s gotten throughout his childhood and they’re always the best memories. Thanks to my husbands job and blogging we go to a lot of places and we get to build a lot of fun memories that way, so I know my kids will always remember the trips we took and even the special gifts they got. Several months later and my 3 year old is still talking about her trip to Disney Land!

5. My goal is to make my kids happy, respectful, and productive people in society and I know I’m doing that. To me this is the biggest thing a parent should worry about. It’s not about the trips you take, the toys you buy, or anything else. While they’re all nice perks it all boils down to how you raise your kids and I know I’m doing a good job. My kids are happy. They go on play dates, I sit through movies I don’t always like because they want to see it, and I sacrifice so they can have instead of me. They’re respectful, they’re kind to people they don’t know, and they use their manners. As far as productive in society – they’re still young but it’s something that’s a work in progress. They got the manners down, they go to school, they will always be taught right from wrong, and when they’re old enough their college will be paid for, unless they chose to get a job instead.

6. I’m willing to learn! I’m not the most educated, but when it comes to my kids I research and research. Cloth or disposable. Formula or Breast milk. Public or Private education. Ect. My husband is big into researching things and I have started to follow suit. If there is something I don’t know about, I look it up on the internet. I read the good and bad and weigh the choices and make a decision based on what I’ve learned instead of an uneducated decision. The internet is free and there is a wealth of knowledge out there, so use it. Like most parents I only want what’s best for my kids and that means taking the time to learn about things and then doing what’s best for your family. Ex: Since I had my son 10 years ago there is a new way to circumcise boys. I’ve read a lot about the two options and after reading the good and bad of both I’ve decided which one I want to do. I would rather be prepared when I go into the hospital rather then have the Dr tell me I should do a certain way and end up being unhappy with that procedure.

7. If I had to ask my kids what makes me a good parent I am sure they would say when I make them waffles, or let them eat fruit loops, trips to the park, random lunch dates, or that new toy in they’ve been drooling over in the store. It’s funny how kids are so sweet and innocent and the big problems us parents face don’t matter to them. They enjoy and appreciate the little things…

These are a few of the things that I think makes me a good parent. My kids always come first and they’re always my priority. I would never do anything to hurt them and they know that they’re loved. At the end of the day it’s all that really matters. So to the guy on the internet who feels the need to bully me, have fun. You read one blog post meant to be sarcastic, you have no idea how my life works.

So tell me. What makes YOU a good parent? If you have a blog post link it up so I can check it out!

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