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Family Moments inspired by August: Osage County! #AugustMoments

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This post is brought to you by August Osage County. #AugustMoments

I don’t know about you, but the holidays always make me think about family. While my family can drive me crazy from time to time they’re mine to keep forever. I love them more than anything and I know 1 thing will always stay the same with them and that is that they will always be there when you need them, no matter what. They’ll be there when you do something they don’t agree with, when you fight with them on Facebook (true story, this did happen recently), and they’ll be there for all the good times. Since moving to Colorado we don’t see family as often as we did when we lived in California. Before they were a 5 to 10 minute drive away and now they’re a 2 1/2 hour plane ride away. We recently spent about 6 weeks in California with family for the birth of our new son and it made me realize how much I miss being that close to them.


This got me thinking about my 5 most memorable memories with my family recently…

1. We went back to California to have our son and getting to see everyone’s joy when they met him for the first time was amazing. He is loved so much and I am so thankful that we got to share him with everyone when he was first born.

2. Almost everyday while we were in California we would go to my god mom/aunt’s house. Watching my 3 year old play with their puppy and making my cousins read to her was priceless. Her and my aunts dog were inseparable and as soon as we would leave they said he would just wander around with his ball looking for my daughter to play with him.

reading to the dog

3. Watching our daughter meet her brother for the first time. She was so excited to become a big sister while I was pregnant that I was eager to see how she would react to being a big sister. The look of shock on her face when she was introduced to a tiny baby was hysterical. She thought she was going to get a kid around her size to play with and when she found out it was a baby she wasn’t so thrilled. She’s finally warmed up to him and wants to help feed and hold him, but at first she looked like she wanted to send him back.

4. Being able to attend my aunts funeral. This isn’t a favorite memory, but it’s a memory I am thankful to have. We all knew her time was coming to an end since she had been fighting lung cancer for the last few years and I’m thankful she passed while I was in California so I could attend her funeral and say final goodbyes.

aunt audrey

5. Being able to see all of my moms family at my aunts funeral. It’s not often everyone gets together and it’s bittersweet when a funeral brings everyone together, but I am happy I got to see them all and introduce them to our new son.


August: Osage County tells the dark, hilarious and deeply touching story of the strong-willed women of the Weston family, whose lives have diverged until a family crisis brings them back to the Midwest house they grew up in, and to the dysfunctional woman who raised them. After making its Broadway debut in December 2007 and premiering at Chicago’s legendary Steppenwolf Theatre, it continued with a successful international run. In select cities on Christmas Day and everywhere January!

The Weinstein Co. has teamed up with has teamed up with for the release of August: Osage County to help you learn more about the Weston family and your own family with a free premium membership! You can also check out the interactive Facebook app here for a chance to enter the sweepstakes to win weekly prizes and a grand prize

This holiday season is upon us and we want to bring to light the memories that remind us of why family is important. Check out the new film as it is surely something that everyone can enjoy!


August: Osage County wants to help bring your family together. One lucky reader will win a $100 Visa gift card to use towards family time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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