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Starting The New Year off Right with Weight Watchers #SimpleStart

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I was given a free one month subscription to Weight Watchers to try their new Simple Start plan and write about my experience.Though I was compensated for my time and commitment, all views, positive and negative, are my own

Every year I set a resolution that I’m going to lose weight, eat healthy, and workout, but like most people within a few weeks I get tired of eating healthy and working out and my cheeseburger and chocolate chip cookie cravings take over and I stop. I’ve noticed this is a common occurrence with most of my friends list as well, so I know I’m not the only person this happens to and I’m sure a lot of you can relate as well.

weight watchers #Simplestart

Thankfully I only gained about 20lbs when I was pregnant with my son and I only have a couple pounds left to lose, but I want to lose some additional weight on top of it. Being busy with a 7 week old and having a 3 year old doesn’t give me much time to hit the gym or leave room for complicated diets. I need to be able to create easy meals my whole family can enjoy and that’s why I’m excited about trying out Weight Watchers Simple Start program. I tried Weight Watchers several years ago and did pretty good on it and I like that with weight watchers you can still enjoy real food in moderation.

weight watchers #simplestartThe Weight Watchers Simple Start program is just what I need to kick start my weight loss journey this year. I downloaded the free app from the google play store (also available on itunes) and punched in my weight watchers username & password. The 2 week program is designed to kick start your weight loss with no point counting, because who has time for that? With the app I can just scroll through and pick out my meals for the day/week and with so many delicious meals to choose form like grilled cheese with veggie soup, pasta with meat sauce, and a burger and fries how can you go wrong?

weight watchers #simplestart

Since I have 2 kids to take care of I’m all about the simple things and Weight Watchers Simple Start seems simple and easy. That combined with drinking more water, less soda, and walks around the lake by our house (when it’s not freezing outside) are how I’m starting my weight loss goals for this year. How are you doing yours?

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