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Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Whole Trade Flowers!

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I have been chosen to be a Whole Foods Ambassador. I receive products for review purposes, all opinions are my own!

Can you believe Valentine’s Day is just around the corner? It sure seems like this year is going by quickly and it’s just begun, but it’s already time to start thinking of what you’ll get that special someone in your life for Valentine’s Day. When you’re in a relationship it can be hard to find time to spend alone with your significant other. In our house hubby works a lot and I’m busy with the kids and blogging so getting alone time is a very rare thing and even spending time just on the couch with each other doesn’t happen as much as I would like because one of us usually ends up exhausted and in bed. So Valentine’s Day is one day a year I know we’ll show each other just how much we love each other. We usually end up going to dinner and possibly a movie. We don’t go all out on gifts, just something small that we know the other will like and a meaningful card.

Whole Trade Roses

I just love getting flowers, so if hubby was to come home with some Whole Trade Roses I wouldn’t be mad. Not only are they fresh and gorgeous, but they’re Whole Trade. If you aren’t familiar with Whole Trade it’s something special Whole Foods does. Whole Trade = All of the products and fresh produce from their Whole Trade producers meet the four key criteria required by their Whole Trade Guarantee: quality, premium price to the producer, better wages and working conditions, and the environment. I don’t know about you, but I feel better buying flowers from someone who is getting treated and paid fairly.

Wondering which color roses to get for your signiciate other? Here’s the meaning of a rose so you can send the right message.

  • RED—true love, passion and respect
  • DARK RED—beauty, perfection and adoration
  • PINK—romance and admiration
  • DEEP PINK—appreciation, gratitude and sincerity
  • LIGHT PINK—sweetness and gentleness
  • ORANGE—desire, passion and excitement
  • WHITE—spiritual love, purity and new beginnings
  • YELLOW—warmth, joy and friendship
  • LAVENDER—love at first sight

Here are my four go-to strategies for stretching the life of flowers:

  • Cut 1 to 1 1/2 inches from stems
  • Remove any leaves that will be under water line in vase
  • Fill a clean vase of fresh, room temperature water mixed with floral food
  • Recut stems and change the water every 2-3 days
  • Keep them away from sunlight and extreme temperatures


Whole Foods want one of you to have some of their gorgeous Whole Trade Roses so they’re giving away a $25 Gift Card for you to pick some up! To enter fill out the rafflecoper form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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