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At Home Slime Birthday Party

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If you’ve been here for a while you know that for my kid’s birthdays I always decorate our house and throw them a little at-home party. I choose whatever theme they’re into that year and go from there. In the past, we’ve done Unicorns, Trolls, and Baby Shark. These aren’t huge fancy parties that are “Pinterest” worthy, but the kids love it and it’s something I love to do for them. This year for our oldest birthday we went with an at-home slime birthday party.

Thank you to Oriental Trading Company for sending over some Slime Party Decorations!

how to have a slime birthday party at home

Since our daughters birthday was during the quarantine I wanted to do something a little extra special for her this year. Normally I just decorate and make them a special cake, but since our daughter is really into slime I threw her a quarantine style slime birthday party.

how to have a slime birthday party

Our original plan was for her to have some friends over and they would make slime for the afternoon, but that got cancelled. Instead I decorated our dining room and set up a slime making station for her and her siblings where they could make a variety of different types of slime.

Virtual Slime Party

You could easily turn this into a virtual slime party by hosting a Zoom (or similar platform) meeting and everyone can make slime together. You could put together slime goodie bags and drop them off or mail them prior to the party.

Give the kids some activator, a few bottles of slime, and some mix-ins that they can use to make slime.

how to have a slime birthday party

Epic Slime Birthday Party

To have a slime party you’ll need some decorations. I went with the little artist decorations from Oriental Trading company and substituted a few items. The little artist decorations are for painting so some of the decorations have paintbrushes, but the paint splatters look similar to slime splatters and I used the items with the splatters for our slime party.

how to have a slime birthday party decorations

Slime Party Decorations

how to have a slime birthday party

Slime Making Station

how to have a slime birthday party
how to have a slime birthday party

I decorated our wall with the banners, swirls, and lanterns, placed a table cloth down, and then set out all the slime supplies. Each kid got a placemat, guacamole bowl, spoon, apron, and a paint palette.

how to have a slime birthday party

The paint palettes were perfect for putting the mix-ins on and the guacamole bowls are the perfect size for mixing slime. Then each kid made a few different types of slime and placed their finished slime into little jars. Set-up was easy and the kids had a blast.

how to have a slime birthday party
how to have a slime birthday party

How are you celebrating Quarantine birthdays?

at home slime birthday party

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