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Announcement: I’m going to be a #iheartOmron Ambassador!!

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A few weeks back I applied to be an #iheartOmron ambassador. I never thought I would actually get picked, since I knew a bunch of people were applying. I had actually forgotten about it until Friday night when someone posted the link to the people who would be chosen and someone told me Congrats. I was like “what is she talking about??” So while sitting in the airport and after 10 minutes of trying to get the page to load, I scrolled through the names and saw mine. That’s when it hit me, I have to get my butt in gear…


I always start a fitness routine – work out, eat healthy, blah blah blah and then fall off the wagon 2 weeks later. This program will hold me accountable. Having others watch my progress, having to check in daily/weekly with people, and of course I want to be one of the top performers. Who doesn’t?? So starting Jan 13th – Feb 10th I’ll be doing weekly updates, daily facebook and twitter updates, and also a few instagram pics. I’ll share with you the workouts I am doing, foods I am eating, complain about how much it sucks, how I want a cookie, and everything in between.

Omron is sending some nice goodies to help me out such as the Omron 323-U Pedometer and Omron 510W Scale. The scale I have is pretty basic so I am excited to try their full body scale and I’ve never used a pedometer before so I am also excited to try that out. I encourage you to join me in whatever weight loss journey your taking on or just getting healthy. You can update me weekly when I post updates and we can help keep each other motivated! Check back next Sunday for my first update!

This post is sponsored Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation – a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families.  I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.

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