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#iHeartOmron Fitness Diaries – First week Update

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My first week on the Omron Fitness Challenge is over and I couldn’t be happier with how it’s going. This week was a learning process for me and a bit of a struggle. Going from not working out and eating not the best foods all the time takes some work and can be a challenge. This past week I worked on eating healthier and other then a few slip ups I did pretty good. I am a soda addict, but this past week I only had 3 and this upcoming week I hope to take it to ZERO! There was one night during the week I was dying for a burger and ran to Wendy’s. I actually felt guilty after eating it and I blame PMS on making me do it.

I’ve been chugging water each day and runny to the potty just as fast. It’s very annoying, but I feel so hydrated and good. It’s a nice change. I’ve been eating healthier. More fruits, veggies, whole grains, and small portions. For a good part of the week I felt like I was starving and wanted to eat everything in sight and it was a big challenge. Whenever I was super hungry or had a craving I would drink a glass of water and if I was still hungry I would eat something small and healthy like an apple, string cheese, or a few pita crackers. It seems to be working and I’m not as hungry anymore, since I think my body is finally adjusting.

I was given work outs to do each day and I was working on doing those at home, but that got really boring, especially with a 2 year old dancing around me while I was trying to work out. I knew I needed a change so at the end of last week I unfroze my gym membership and I’ve been working out there and taking full advantage of the gym daycare! I do 4+ miles on the stationary bike along with some weight workouts and my body is feeling it.  I am so sore all over and when the soreness starts to go away I am met with more soreness, but I like it. I know that the workouts are working and in no time I’ll start dropping pounds. I wear my Omron Fitness Pedometer and trust me, remembering to put it on every morning is a challenge all on its own, since I have a horrible memory. I’m a little bummed that the pedometer doesn’t pick up my bike movement, but from what I’ve read, each mile is equivalent to 2,000 steps and 4 miles on the bike is about 8,000 steps. I get about 2,000 – 4,000 steps doing stuff around the house and running errands, so if I take into account my bike movement I am well over the 10,000 daily requirement. Getting those 10,000 steps sure is hard work…

I am so happy to have a LOSS this week. Since my weigh in last Sunday I am down 4lbs! Woohoo!! I hope to have another great loss next week as well!

How are you doing with your fitness and getting healthy goals? I’d love to hear them!

This post is sponsored Omron Fitness as a collaboration with Bookieboo Blogging Network and Mamavation – a community dedicated to weight loss for women and obesity prevention for families.  I was provided with product and compensation for my time and honest opinions.

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