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6 of My Must Have Baby Items! #RefreshYourNursery

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This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Playtex, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #RefreshYourNursery

I didn’t learn about the awesomeness of the diaper genie until I had our daughter 4 years ago. I had heard about them with my oldest but I figured it was one of those things you didn’t really need, but someone gave me one at our daughters baby shower and once she was born and those stinky diapers started showing up the diaper genie became our new best friend. It’s also something I recommend to any new mom because stink happens and you’ve got to have a way to contain it!

I try to keep the baby items to a minimum because if I didn’t we would own EVERY cute, cool, or fun baby item I saw. My husband and wallet would be mad at me, but there are a few items I consider my must haves and I love sharing them with other moms in the hopes they they find them helpful as well. Here’s my list:

Diaper Genie

1. Diaper Genie – The slender diaper genie not only fits into any nursery theme, but it’s light weight and doesn’t take up too much space. It’s great at containing stinky diapers saves some trips out to the trash can after diaper changes.

mbp33 motorola video monitor

2. Video Monitor – A quality video monitor always comes in handy. They help keep mommy worries at bay and it’s reassuring to know your little one is still sound asleep with a glance at the monitor.

jj cole satchel

3. Diaper Bag – A quality diaper bag is always on the list. Something that is sturdy and will hold up for a long time and that can hold all of your baby needs, because let’s face it. Babies have A LOT of stuff. Don’t forget to make it stylish! My favorite is the J.J Cole Satchel. It’s a little pricey at $70, but it comes with a lifetime warranty and that to me makes the price worth it!

Sophie the Giraffe

4. Sophie the Giraffe – Everyone raves about Sophie and I too jumped on the wagon. From the time both my younger kids could hold a toy Sophie has been their favorite. She’s easy to grasp, flexible, and oh so fun to chew on! Sophie is well worth the price tag and made to last.

dream blanket

5. Dream Blanket – The Aden + Anais swaddles are a must have if you’re going to swaddle and they come in handy for more than just swaddling, but my favorite of A + A is their dream blankets! Soft, warm, thick, and oh so comfy this has become my 8 month olds favorite blanket (since birth) and he loves to sleep with it. I can see this blanket staying around for years to come. Available in lots of fun patterns and also available in toddler and adult sizes!

Diaper Genie

6. Travel Crib – I’ve used many travel cribs over the years and my favorite is the Baby Bjorn Trave Light crib. As a mom who travels a lot I love how compact it folds down, light weight it is, and how you can take off the whole cover and wash it. It’s great for different rooms in the house, trips to the park or beach, and trips to visit family or a vacation!

Diaper Genie + Spa Finder

Another must have for moms? Some ME TIME! Don’t forget to take care of yourself mama’s. It’s key to staying happy and sane. Luckily when you buy 3 or more diaper genie varieties at Target you can receive a $25 Spa Finder Wellness gift card (while supplies last) that you can use towards that me time. No stinky nursery and me time? Sounds like a winning combination to me!

Must Have Baby Items

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