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5 Unique Baby Shower Gift Ideas! #BabySteps

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This post was sponsored by State Farm®. For more information on the best financial services for your family, please visit or call a State Farm agent.

Baby showers can be a really fun and exciting way to celebrate baby. With my oldest, I was thrown 2 baby showers and I ended up with so much stuff that I hardly had to buy anything for the first several months. I had so much stuff that some stuff never got used (which I ended up donating) and it felt like such a waste. With my second, I had a smaller shower and we did a diaper theme, which turned out to be a huge hit. I ended up with so many diapers that I didn’t have to buy any for the first 6 months. But with my other 2, I didn’t need a whole lot and decided to skip on the showers. I’m kind of kicking myself for skipping out on those showers since they’re a fun way to get ready for your new arrival, but as a mom of 4, I also know there is more that can help a new mom out besides cute baby clothes and toys. 

5 baby shower gift ideas

Of course clothes and toys are always appreciated for a new mom, but if you’re like me, then you saved a lot of baby items from your previous kids and outside of necessities, there isn’t a whole lot you need when your new little bundle of joy arrives. Whether you’re looking to gift something a little more outside the box to a new mom or you’re trying to figure out what to get a mom who “has it all,” I’m here to share 5 unique baby shower gifts that any new mom would love to receive!

Baby Shower College Savings

Gift Money Towards College – College is expensive and it can be a struggle for many to be able to afford to go. Starting a college fund early on is important and helps parents to start saving for a good cause. Donating money towards a college fund helps parents out and shows that you’re interested in their child’s future. Giving a cash or check donation that parents can use towards their child’s college savings helps them to reach their bigger goal.

Freezer Meals – For me, one of the biggest things I don’t want to do after coming home from the hospital, for the first couple weeks, is cook. Having freezer meals on hand makes life so much easier and stress free. Make 1 or a few and gift them to a new mama so she can just heat them up and serve. If you’re not into cooking, then gift cards or even bringing over a fresh meal is also a great gift to give.

Baby Shower Diapers

Diapers – Diapers. Every baby needs them and they go through a lot of them. Gifting diapers helps mom out and having a bunch of them on hand means she won’t need to worry about running to the store for more. And with the money she saves not having to buy diapers, she can put it towards her kids’ college or savings accounts.

Help Mom Out – Whether mom is a 1st time or 4th time mom, being a mom is exhausting. Offer to come over and help out with the kids, run some errands for her, babysit so she and her significant other can have a night out, or let her take a nap. She’ll appreciate the gesture and you may just help save her sanity a little bit.

Gifts for Mom – Being pregnant can be rough and while preparing for her little one to arrive, mom can forget to pamper herself. A gift card for a mani/pedi, prenatal massage, or a gift basket with her favorite goodies are all great gifts for mom.

5 Baby Shower Gifts

*I really love the thought of being able to donate towards a child’s college savings, and as a mom of 4, this is something I wish I had thought of asking for when people asked me what I wanted or needed for our baby. We’re a little late to game, but we’re just starting our kids’ college funds and we’ve been discussing how we want to do them. State Farm, whom we’re current customers with, offers options for families to help them start saving towards their children’s college education. We’re still undecided on how we want to start saving for our kids’ college funds, so I’ll be sitting down with a State Farm agent in the coming weeks where she’ll go over the plans with me, so that we can better decide the best way to save for our kids’ future. I’ll be sharing key learnings about my visit with a State Farm agent, so make sure you come back and check it out. Hopefully I’ll be able to provide you with some insightful tidbits that will help you decide the best way to save for your kids’ future!

What’s your favorite gift to give at a baby shower? Did you find these gift ideas helpful?

This post was sponsored by State Farm. All opinions are my own.

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