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Maxi-Cosi Gets Us to Our Summer Adventures Safe & In Style!

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Thank you Maxi-Cosi for sponsoring this post. Keep your little adventurers comfy, safe & stylish with the Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 car seat!

The Biggest Bounce House in America

This summer has been filled with so many fun adventures around Denver. I made a goal to get out of the house more and live life. We haven’t gotten out as much as I had originally planned, but we’ve gotten out enough that the kids are having fun sharing their stories of the things we’ve done. From trips to the splash park, to creating our own donuts, the carnival, and many indoor play places—summer has been filled with many laughs, smiles, and good memories.

Denver Carnival

We still have a couple weeks left of summer and that means there is still some more time to get some adventures checked off our summer bucket list, like a trolley ride around Denver, Fort Collins Museum of Discovery, and Lava Island to name a few. When heading out I always make sure to have a few items in tow. I always pack a backpack loaded with snacks because my kids are hungry every 5 minutes, and a change of clothes because potty training blows and you never know what adventure we head out on (hello unexpected water fountain). Most importantly, I make sure my kids get to our adventures safely.

Maxi-Cosi is a brand I’ve been using for several years now and I’ve loved all of our seats from them. We used their infant seat and then upgraded to a convertible, but I really wanted something that can transition from birth until they’re out of a car seat, and the Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 Convertible Car Seat is perfect for that. I believe a car seat should be an investment that can protect your child as they grow through all the stages of their childhood. One of the reasons I love our Maxi-Cosi car seats is because they’re stylish, my kids say they’re comfortable, and they’re so easy to transition. Whether you’re adjusting the straps because your little one has grown or you’re switching to a new position, you will always be able to adjust their seats with ease. Bonus: The Magellan 5-in-1 Convertible Car Seat is the only convertible car seat equipped with Maxi-Cosi’s patented Adjustable Side Impact Protection, which creates a customized fit for all growth stages and ensures maximum protection in the proper position

Why Maxi-Cosi

Maxi-Cosi is the top selling baby car seat brand worldwide. Over the past 30 years Maxi-Cosi car seats have carried over 50 million babies home from the hospital, including my own babies. The Maxi-Cosi Magellan is an innovative new 5-in-1 convertible car seat that accommodates children from birth to age 10 (5lbs. to 120lbs.) and easily transitions between five modes of use: Baby Rear-Facing, Toddler Rear-Facing, Toddler Forward-Facing, Child Forward-Facing and Belt Positioning Booster. As with every Maxi-Cosi car seat, the Magellan has been designed with comfort and style in mind, incorporating premium fabrics that are machine washable, while providing a contemporary, yet timeless look. Keeping style in mind the Magellan is available in five sophisticated colors: Night Black, Midnight Slate, Blue Opal, Emerald Tide and Violet Caspia.

You can get your own Maxi-Cosi Magellan 5-in-1 Convertible Car Seat (retail price $349.99) via the follow websites: Amazon,, Buy Buy Baby,, and Albee Baby.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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