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Swim Safety with Toddlers: International Learn To Swim Day!

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This post was sponsored by SwimWays as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Growing up in California meant I spent a lot of time around water. I spent sunny days at the beach, which was basically in our backyard, and lots of days at the pool on the military base we lived on. I still have fond memories of learning how to swim in my grandma’s pool one summer and loved being in the water. Is there anything better than spending a hot day splashing in the pool?

When it comes to my kids, none of them know how to swim. We’ve put them in swim lessons, but they used the time to play around instead of focus on learning how to swim, so we decided to wait until they were a little older to try again. I loved bring in the pool when I was younger and want to share that same joy with my kids. Until they learn how to swim we use SwimWays products to help keep them safe in the pool.

As a mom of 4, but with 3 little ones, it can be hard to go to the pool alone with my kids since they can’t swim. SwimWays is saving my sanity with their products. From baby floats to trainers for toddlers and vests for older kids, they have something to help keep each of my kids safe in the pool and teach them how to swim.

International Learn to Swim Day

National Learn to Swim Day was founded by SwimWays in 2012 and is dedicated to educating parents and children about water safety and the benefits of learning how to swim. SwimWays Corporation has extended this event to include international locations this year and thus they are changing the name to International Learn To Swim Day.

International Learn To Swim Day is the 3rd Saturday of May and will be held this year on May 18, 2019. This year they are excited that the characters from Paw Patrol will help them celebrate during International Learn To Swim Day events around the world.

SwimWays Paw Patrol Swim Trainer

SwimWays has recently released Paw Patrol swim trainers and my younger 2 are ecstatic. Paw Patrol is one of their favorite shows and having their swim gear represent that is top notch in their book. We recently took a family vacation to Great Wolf Lodge and brought our swim trainer with us for our 3 year old to use and it was a huge hit. It gave her confidence in the pool and helped me to relax and enjoy the little moments with them because I could see how it was helping to keep her safe. You can grab your own Skye or Chase Paw Patrol Trainer at Target.

Stay tuned because I’ll be sharing all about how our SwimWays Paw Patrol Swim Trainer make our vacation a breeze and how we’ll be spending a lot more time at the pool this summer thanks to SwimWays great products!

Teach Your Toddler How to Swim

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