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Glucerna Berry Smoothie Recipe!

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This post is sponsored by Glucerna but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Diabetes, it’s estimated that 100 million people in the United States have diabetes and chances are you know someone with it. I know I do. It runs in my dads side of the family with my dad and grandma both having it. Not only do I have family who suffer from it, but I also have a few friends who have it as well. After getting some blood work done at a yearly check-up I learned that I was at a high risk for developing diabetes. It’s one of those things that I know is possible because of my family history, but it didn’t really make me think about it until my Doctor told me I had pre-diabetes.

Since learning more about pre-diabetes I have started to make changes to my everyday life like drinking more water and less sugary drinks, diet changes, and getting active more. One thing I am very bad at is making sure I eat proper meals. I am one of those people who gets busy and forgets to eat, which is horrible for your blood sugar. To help I like to keep quick meals on hand and have added Glucerna drinks to the mix.

Glucerna shakes help you to make good choices when it comes to managing your blood sugar. Glucerna shakes are carbsteady which means they have slowly digestible carbohydrates designed to help minimize blood sugar spikes. They make for a great meal or snack replacement and are perfect for someone like me, who often forgets to eat. I can easily pick them up at Walmart on my weekly shopping trips and Glucerna shakes are available in 4 flavors like: Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, and Butter Pecan. They help me to be confident that I’m making smart choices when it comes to meals. Talk to your healthcare provider about adding Glucerna shakes to your diet to help manage hunger and blood sugar spikes.

One of the hardest things with watching what I eat is sweets, like ice cream, but I’ve turned my Glucerna shake into a “sweet” treat that helps to manage my sugar cravings. If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes you should work with your healthcare provider on a meal plan and talk to them about enjoying a snack like this.

Here’s how I turn my Glucerna Strawberry shake into a delicious berry smoothie.

Glucerna Ice Cream Recipe

Take one 8oz Glucerna shake in the flavor of your choice and put it into a blender with 1 cup of berries (fresh or frozen) and 1 cup of fat free greek yogurt. Blend until smooth.

Place shake mixture into a glass and place in the freeze for about an hour. (The reason I place it in the freeze is so it gets extra cold, you can skip this if you want).

Not a strawberry and berries fan? You can do this with any of the Glucerna drink flavors. Chocolate would make a great smoothie, add peanut butter and banana for a delicious twist.

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